
Romance. This one word conjures up visions of the perfect match, of the one who will satisfy us completely. It is certain that this subject occupies many of our thoughts during the day. But is it possible that God also desires a romance? The typical characterization of God is of a holy and righteous Being presiding over the earth from the heavens. While God is holy and righteous, He desires a deeper relationship with man. More than a partnership, more than a friendship, God wants a romance with man.

In this romance, God's desire is not merely for individual people. He desires a group of people who together are called the church, the ekklesia. It is in this ekklesia that God can fully realize His desire and gain His bride.

Like God, we too have a longing for a person who loves us as we love him or her. Finding the right human companion, however, can only satisfy us temporarily, for within us there exists an even deeper desire. This desire can only be fulfilled by pouring out our love upon God and being loved by Him. In our romance with God, God and we, we and God, are mutually satisfied.

In this issue of Generation, we present articles that elucidate the seemingly impossible notion that God wants to marry man. We hope that they will lead many into the true romance—the romance of God and man.

The Editors

"For your Maker is your Husband."
Isaiah 54:5