
The series of events that began on September 11, 2001 has shaken our confidence in the things we once took for granted and has exposed the ephemeral nature of the world around us. Many of us are beginning to realize for the first time that the things in which we have placed our trust are unstable and prone to collapse.

In times such as these, when we realize that that which can crumble will crumble, and indeed has crumbled, we ask questions we never thought to ask before. In what and in whom can we place our hope? What is impervious to fear and sure in the face of uncertainty? Now that the foundations of our life have been shaken, on what can we build? What can outlast, indeed, overcome the destruction of dreams and the end of life?

These are questions for which no one can provide easy answers. As have many others, we who have produced this issue of Generation have suffered personal tragedy, lost loved ones, and endured the onslaught of questions. Yet amid the torrent of emotions and questions, we rest assured that we possess the solution to our greatest needs.

Jesus Christ is the ever-living One, the One whom death cannot hold, the hope of an eternal salvation. He is the holding center of all things—the unique reason why we are still alive today. Troubles and tragedies may come and go, war may advance and peace retreat, but Christ remains. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, even forever. He and His words are the solid rock upon which we can build, even as all the world sinks in life's shifting sands. In Him is the power of an indestructible life.

It is this One—Jesus Christ our surety, our foundation, and our living hope—that we present in these pages. On Christ, the solid rock, we stand. All other ground is sinking sand.

The Editors

Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life;
he who believes into Me, even if he should die, shall live.
John 11:25